- Iris1e27.github.io (My Blog)
- book-subscription-system (COMS E6156 Cloud Computing, Group Project, CU)
- EECS6893_Final_Project (EECS E6893 Big Data Analytics, Group Project, CU)
- project_mern_memories (ELEN E6770 Network Virtualization, Individual Project, CU)
- local-student-course-selection-system (Mini Project)
- specified-animal-video-download (An Online Volunteer in the Vision-CAIR lab of CEMSE, Summer Research, KAUST)
- left-file-sharing-sytem (CAN201 Introduction to Networking, Individual Project, XJTLU)
- specified-hotel-management-system (CSE103 Introduction to Databases, Individual Project, XJTLU)
- studnet-management-system (EEE102 C++ Programming and Software Engineering, Group Project, XJTLU)